FIELDS OF GREEN Description and Purpose With today’s busy lifestyles and the convenience of fast food, we all too often neglect eating nutritionally rich fresh foods. Forever provides a simple solution to ‘convenience eating’ in Fields of Green. Fields of Greens incorporates the nutritional benefits of young, green barley sprouts, alfalfa, wheat grass and cayenne. Other nutritional compounds present in Fields of Greens are bet a-carotene, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins and chlorophyll , with more fibre than bran . One glance at the ingredient list reveals a cornucopia of nutritional elements especially formulated to combat the deficiencies of ‘convenience eating" Barley Grass Until the advent of wheat and rye, barley was the primary grain for bread in Europe. The juice of young barley plants is known to contain a rich mineral cocktail - potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, copper, phosphorous, zinc and manganese. In addition, an antioxidant compound known as osovitexin( an...